校园 | 小时 | 数量 |
加兹登 | 24小时 | 256-312-2132 |
艾尔斯 | 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. | 256-835-5410 or 256-310-8365 |
切罗基族 | 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. | 256-613-7535 or 256-312-2144 |
Other non-emergency calls for the Police and Public 安全 部门 can be made to 256-549-8611 (Office) or 256-549-8300 (加兹登 Switchboard)
部门 | 小时 | 数量 |
邮件服务 | 6 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Ext. 8618 or 256-312-4517 |
交通事件 & 调度请求 | 6 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Ext. 8613 or 256-458-4386 |
校园停车, traffic and safety regulations in effect at 加兹登 State College as well as all applicable state laws and city ordinances will be enforced by the Police and Public 安全 部门 at all times. 这些规定, laws and ordinances apply to ALL persons while they are on a love爱博 campus. If a vehicle is properly registered with the College, a student may park in any designated parking place except those having a blue, 黄色或白色围板. 有 白色的限制 are reserved for 教职员工 members only. 有 蓝色的限制 are for handicapped parking with a permit and 黄色的限制 任何时候都不准停车吗.
所有的学生, 教职员工, using a motor vehicle on any love爱博 campus must register it with the 安全 and 安全 Office. The student vehicle registration fee is included in the tuition fee. The driver will be issued a hangtag, which is to be hung from the inside rearview mirror of the vehicle. It is the driver’s responsibility to keep this hangtag available for use in the vehicle that is driven on campus. However, the hangtag may be moved from one vehicle to another vehicle if necessary. If a hangtag is lost or stolen, the driver must purchase a new one for a fee of $10.
Two types of hangtags are issued by Police & Public 安全 部门 on all campuses: (1) a 教师 /工作人员 hangtag and (2) a Student hangtag. If the driver is disabled or if the driver is driving for a disabled person, the vehicle may be parked in a space reserved for the disabled (blue curb) so long as the vehicle bears both the student hangtag and a placard for the disabled. This placard may be obtained through the Office of the Revenue Commissioner. All student hangtags expire on August 31 of year indicated on the hangtag.
发放吊牌时, the owner of the hangtag will be held responsible for any violation in which the vehicle bearing this hangtag is involved. In the event of mechanical failure of a vehicle, the owner should inform the 信息rmation Desk of the vehicle’s location; the owner will be responsible for its removal as soon as available services will permit. The Police and Public 安全 部门 may cancel the registration of any vehicle.
The following are violations of the College’s traffic regulations, with the fee assessed for each violation noted:
没有在停车标志前停车 | $25.00 |
不屈服 | $25.00 |
Going the WRONG WAY on a one-way street | $25.00 |
非法掉头 | $25.00 |
鲁莽驾驶 | $100.00 |
The following are violations of the parking and safety regulations, with the fee assessed for each violation noted:
无挂牌或挂牌过期 | $15.00 |
把车停在不合适的地方: |
White-Curbs-Reserved for 教师/工作人员 Only | $15.00 |
Blue-Curbs-Handicapped Only with Permit | $50.00 |
黄色路缘——任何时候都不能削皮 | $25.00 |
Backing into a parking space (or pulling through) | $25.00 |
停车不当 | $15.00 |
吊牌显示不当 | $15.00 |
Giving false information on application | $25.00 |
拆卸车辆行李箱防盗器 | $25.00 |
禁止在草地上停车 | $25.00 |
Parking in fire hydrant restricted area | $25.00 |
在访客专用车位停车 | $15.00 |
Violation of these regulations may result in the vehicle being immobilized with an auto boot. In case of vehicle immobilization, do not attempt to move the vehicle. 联系 the Police and Public 安全 部门.
学生 receiving more than three (3) citations in a 24-month period will have their fines doubled on all subsequent fines.
Anyone desiring to appeal traffic and parking citations may appeal to the Police and Public 安全 部门 (256) 549-8300 within seven (7) days after receiving the citation.
NOTE: All assessed fees listed under moving vehicle and parking violations will be doubled if they are not paid within seven (7) calendar days of the assessment.
love爱博 assumes no responsibility for damage to any vehicle brought to campus.
有关活动和日程安排,请联系 标志灯 at mlight@is-cred.com.
遵循 加兹登州警察局 在脸谱网上
Police and Public 安全 部门 Parking Ticket Appeal Form
Transportation Policies and Procedures Manual
都是针对学生的罪行, employee or school property on or off campus shall be reported to the 加兹登 State Police and Public 安全 部门 as soon as possible. This report can be made to any uniformed 加兹登 State officer or in person at the Public 安全 Office on your campus. Call 256-312-2132 for assistance or information 24小时 a day or in an emergency call 911. The Public 安全 staff will assist any student in processing an offense with the 加兹登州警察局.
A current list of all Alabama 登记性犯罪者 is posted on the Alabama 部门 of Public 安全 website. If you need assistance, contact the Police and Public 安全 部门 or call (256)549-8364.